Not Forgetting


“I was scared,” he said.  "You saved me.”“No,” she said. “You'd simply forgotten what you can do.”That’s the way it is sometimes. We forget what we are capable of. We get stalled by doubt and second-guessing. We listen to the wrong voices or keep our heads down so low we forget to see the sky.It was nice to remember that today while standing on a ridge in the Kolobs, looking out at red rock mountains and cinematic clouds.

Or walking up a dirt road to a waterfall, sitting behind it, watching its sparkle, hearing its rain-sound and the familiar song of a canyon wren.Leaves and sunlight and sandy earth, stone-strewn creek and creaky gate, front porch of a friend’s house, chicken sandwiches on a blue plate, promise of an evening walk.It was a good day for not forgetting what we still can do.