Bulletin Board

Just for a few minutes, let's try not to think about gushing oil.

Something cheery is needed. So how about this? Small town America is alive and well and eclectic.

The evidence? Yesterday, I was looking over the notices tacked and taped to a bulletin board in a local coffee shop, and here are just a few of the services and activities I saw advertised:

Postpartum doula services

Full body airbrush tanning

Dinner theater

Computer repair

Lost dog

Found dog in search of loving home

Exploration and discussion of the 4 Agreements

Community supported agriculture

Trail ride on horseback

Motorcycle blessings

Book and movie club

Blues singer in the bar down the street

Knitting and crochet

CPR and ESL classes

Heavenly praise & earthly blues: a Christian recovery musical performance

Belly dancing

and my personal favorite, the Ladies’ Kindness and Friendship Club

----Heartwarming…isn’t it?

And something else to make you smile -- that wonderful woman with the umbrella. I have no idea who she is. I met her a few years ago in one of my favorite places in all the world: the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. We were in the rose garden, to be precise, and everyone was smelling roses and smiling and being nice to one another. (It can be that way.) I wish I could remember the lady's name, but she looks like a Helen to me. Anyway, we chatted, and she told me she was taking a break from being very sick; she was looking at roses, loving the world, and she let me take her picture.