
coastal cowgirl

coastal cowgirl

Yesterday was Groundhog Day, which I celebrate as the date when I first rolled into California to make it my home. That was thirty-four years ago, but I still wake up blinking in wonder. However did I manage to land in this implausible place?  

The grass is green in February, a local cow-woman is nonchalantly tending to her morning chores, and I pedal along on my trusty bike, a little chilly, but with not far to go.

My dear friend and accidental mentor Dan gives me counsel via email sometimes, and yesterday he passed along some wisdom of Joseph Campbell, who said that before one can undertake a spiritual journey of any kind, the prerequisite is to say yes to life as it is.

As I spin into another season on this planet, I am saying yes and doing my best. I live in a transition zone and I am at a turning point.