Vacated Guest Room


We took them to the 7 a.m. airport bus this morning, driving along the coast as the sky turned salmon pink. It was probably earlier than necessary, but my neurotic preferences prevailed. I believe that it’s infinitely better to be all checked in and waiting than rushing around with a knot in your stomach; sometimes I admit I overcompensate.

So we hugged good-bye at the bus and I am still feeling that little clutch in my heart.

When I turned around for one last look, she waved, seeming both forlorn and relieved; he was lighting a cigarette.In town the streets were deserted except for a panhandler or two and a couple of joggers. I was a tumbleweed, an emotional tumbleweed, rolling bumpily along.I have a miserable cold, which affects my perspective. It’s a beautiful day ––as warm as summer –– but I am not a part of it.

The heat is disorienting. The orchard is blooming prematurely; pink macadamia blossoms are dangling like bracelets, perfuming the air. It’s a heady, cloying smell, and there’s too much of it, like an elevator filled with dowagers on their way to a fancy dinner.I decided to grab my bike and go outdoors for a bit. An irritable rattlesnake was roused from hibernation, raising its head from its hiding place beneath the cattle guard as I pedaled across. Monte was inclined to launch a preemptive strike, but the reptile seems to have slithered away, and I'm glad of it, as long as there are no further encounters.Leaves of daffodils and freesia bulbs are poking through the garden earth like hopeful green spears.

I pruned my roses yesterday. Hacked them might be a more accurate term for what I did, but I think they have a fighting chance.

Maybe I will feel better when I get back to my writing project. Just don't ask me what it is.

"It sounds like a memoir of place," said Lois. "I can't wait to read it.""

Whatever you do, make sure it's funny," said Jennifer.

If it's funny, I hope that's intentional.

Meanwhile, I just need to shake this damned cold and the ol' good-bye syndrome.

All that remains on the guest room desk are remnants from a Christmas stocking: a small sealed bag of eggnog flavored coffee, a snowman puzzle, and three wrapped pieces of clotted cream fudge.